Center for Technology Essex Employee List |
District Safety Line: 802 857-7485 |
School Administration | |||||
Robert Travers | Robert Travers | Principal/Director | btravers@ewsd.org | 802 857-7532 | |
Carolyn Dickinson | Carolyn Dickinson | Assistant Director | cdickinson@ewsd.org | 802 857-7534 | |
Richard Wright | Richard Wright | Assistant Director/Adult Services | rwright@ewsd.org | 802 857-7265 | |
Administrative Support Staff | |||||
Frances Farina | Frances Farina | Student Attendance Specialist/ Office Assistant | ffarina@ewsd.org | 802 857-7530 | |
Ethan Maurer | Ethan Maurer | Adult Education Program Coordinator | emaurer@ewsd.org | 802 857-7251 | |
Elizabeth Solomon | Elizabeth Solomon | Student Assessment and Database Manager | lsolomon@ewsd.org | 802 857-7914 | |
Teresa Sorrell | Teresa Sorrell | Registrar | tsorrell@ewsd.org | 802 857-7533 | |
Linda Whitaker | Linda Whitaker | Administrative Assistant/Skill Tech | lwhitaker@ewsd.org | 802 857-7942 | |
Classroom Teacher | |||||
Marina Brzostoski | Marina Brzostoski | ELL Teacher | mbrzostoski@ewsd.org | 802 857-7261 | |
Todd Darrow | Todd Darrow | CTE Math Teacher | tdarrow@ewsd.org | 802 857-7903 | |
Keri-Anne Lesure | Keri-Anne Lesure | Fine Arts Teacher | klesure@ewsd.org | 802 857-7075 | |
Jennifer Liguori | Jennifer Liguori | Science Teacher | jliguori@ewsd.org | 802 857-7926 | |
Cliff Long | Cliff Long | Building Systems Instructor: HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical | clong@ewsd.org | 802 857-7274 | |
Nellie Maley | Nellie Maley | Social Studies Teacher | nmaley@ewsd.org | 802 857-7200 | |
Kerrin McCadden | Kerrin McCadden | English Teacher | kmccadden@ewsd.org | 802 857-7961 | |
Tom Payeur | Tom Payeur | Math Integration Specialist Teacher | tpayeur@ewsd.org | 802 857-7905 | |
Emily Quinn | Emily Quinn | English Teacher | equinn@ewsd.org | 802 857-7179 | |
Christina Smith | Christina Smith | English Teacher | chrsmith@ewsd.org | 802 857-7174 | |
Sara Wilson | Sara Wilson | Social Studies Teacher | sawilson@ewsd.org | 802 857-7290 | |
Cynthia Yopp | Cynthia Yopp | Literacy Teacher: ELL focus | cyopp@ewsd.org | 802 857-7257 | |
Tech Center Teacher | |||||
John Barton | John Barton | Professional Foods | jbarton@ewsd.org | 802 857-1713 | |
Lindsey Blais | Childhood Education and Human Services Teacher | lblais@ewsd.org | 802 857-7459 | ||
Will Bohmann | Will Bohmann | Computer Animation and Web Design | wbohmann@ewsd.org | 802 857-7262 | |
Melissa Brott | Melissa Brott | Childhood Ed/Human Services | mbrott@ewsd.org | 802 857-7459 | |
Anthony Campbell | Anthony Campbell | Automotive Lab Supervisor/ Mechanic | acampbell1@ewsd.org | 802 857-7219 | |
David Carter | David Carter | Pre-Tech | dcarter@ewsd.org | 802 857-7258 | |
Daniel Clark | Daniel Clark | Automotive Technology | dclark@ewsd.org | 802 857-7255 | |
Matt Cronin | Matt Cronin | Computer Animation and Web Design | mcronin@ewsd.org | 802 857-7457 | |
Bailey Davis | Bailey Davis | Cosmetology Instructor | bdavis2@ewsd.org | 802 857-7272 | |
Jim Dirmaier | Jim Dirmaier | Engineering/Architectural Design | jdirmaier@ewsd.org | 802 857-7537 | |
Katherine Dowman | Katherine Dowman | Computer Systems Technology Teacher | kdowman@ewsd.org | 802 857-7252 | |
John Dowman | John Dowman | Cooperative Career Education | jdowman@ewsd.org | 802 857-7269 | |
Christopher Ianni | Christopher Ianni | Dental Assisting | cianni@ewsd.org | 802 857-7926 | |
Brian Japp | Brian Japp | Natural Resources: Forestry | bjapp@ewsd.org | 802 857-7945 | |
Beth Ladd | Beth Ladd | Dental Assisting | bladd@ewsd.org | 802 857-7926 | |
Dawn Lagace | Dawn Lagace | Cosmetology Instructor | dlagace@ewsd.org | 802 857-7454 | |
Eric Larose | Eric Larose | Pre Tech Natural Resources Instructor | elarose1@ewsd.org | 802 857-7233 | |
Lori Miller | Lori Miller | Pre-Tech | lmiller@ewsd.org | 802 857-7438 | |
Darlene Murphy | Darlene Murphy | Health Professions | damurphy@ewsd.org | 802 857-7231 | |
Mary Parizo | Mary Parizo | Cosmetology | mparizo@ewsd.org | 802 857-7272 | |
James Paterson | James Paterson | Cooperative Career Education | jpaterson@ewsd.org | 802 857-7515 | |
William Poderzay | William Poderzay | Building Trades Teacher | wpoderzay@ewsd.org | 802 857-7180 | |
Robert Siddens | Robert Siddens | Natural Resources: Mechanical | rsiddens@ewsd.org | 802 857-7608 | |
Eileen Sinopoli | Eileen Sinopoli | Design and Creative Media | esinopoli@ewsd.org | 802 857-7222 | |
Gary Swan | Gary Swan | Automotive Technology | gswan@ewsd.org | 802 857-7256 | |
Deanna Vaida | Deanna Vaida | Pre Tech 2 Program Teacher | dvaida@ewsd.org | 802 857-7230 | |
Chris Welch | Chris Welch | Building Trades - Residential | cwelch@ewsd.org | 802 857-7610 | |
Mathew Zimmerman | Mathew Zimmerman | Professional Foods | mzimmerman@ewsd.org | 802 857-5595 | |
School Counseling | |||||
Lindsay Ackley | Lindsay Ackley | School Guidance Counselor | lackley@ewsd.org | 802 857-7031 | |
Emmy Charron | Emmy Charron | School Guidance Counselor | echarron@ewsd.org | 802 857-7249 | |
Heidi McLaughlin | Heidi McLaughlin | CTE School Counselor | hmclaughlin@ewsd.org | 802 857-7250 | |
Justin Pinard | Justin Pinard | CTE School Counseling and Outreach Coordinator | jpinard@ewsd.org | 802 857-7542 | |
Student Support Services | |||||
Alison Booth | Alison Booth | Career and Tech Ed Special Populations Coordinator | abooth@ewsd.org | 802 857-7247 | |
Kate McDonald | Kate McDonald | Special Educator | kmcdonald@ewsd.org | 802 857-7264 | |
Sheila Paterson | Sheila Paterson | Special Populations Coordinator/ Interventionist | spaterson@ewsd.org | 802 857-7266 | |
Paraeducator | |||||
Dave Cousino | Dave Cousino | Instructional Aide: Natural Resources | Dcousino@ewsd.org | 802 857-7181 | |
Cynthia Dowman | Cynthia Dowman | Instructional Aide: Pre-Tech | cdowman@ewsd.org | 802 857-7228 | |
Kelly Fisher | Kelly Fisher | Mainstream Instructional Assistant | kfisher@ewsd.org | 802 857-7236 | |
Justin Frawley | Justin Frawley | Lab Supervisor: Natural Resources | jfrawley@ewsd.org | 802 857-7240 | |
Jessica Guillemette | Jessica Guillemette | Pro Foods Lab Supervisor | jguillemette@ewsd.org | 802 857-5595 | |
Michael Hebert | Michael Hebert | Cosmetology Lab Supervisor | mhebert@ewsd.org | 802 857-7272 | |
Joanie Kagan | Joanie Kagan | PreTech Classroom Teaching Assistant | jkagan@ewsd.org | ||
Alicia Russotti | Alicia Russotti | Pre Tech Natural Resources Aide | arussotti@ewsd.org | 802 857-7234 | |
Oscar Sanchez Guillen | Oscar Sanchez Guillen | Design and Creative Media Lab Supervisor | osanchez@ewsd.org | 802 857-7909 | |
John Wolfe | John Wolfe | Lab Supervisor: Building Residential | jwolfe@ewsd.org |